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6 Things to Do Before You Begin Laser Hair Removal Treatment

laser hair removal legs

As you are getting closer to the hottest months, you may be thinking about undergoing laser hair removal. This will make your summer a little less busy because you will find it without having to ride on weekly wax meetings, you will have more time. However, unlike other laser treatments, there are some things which you need to put in place prior to your laser hair removal treatments.

Let's first look at how laser hair removal works. Lasers emit wavelengths that target the pigment which is situated in the base of each hair follicle. Due to absorption of light, the laser has the ability to damage hair follicles without damaging the surface of the skin. Since each individual hair is on its own growth cycle, before permanent reduction can be achieved, several laser treatments which are planned for eight to ten weeks are needed.

There are various other ways to make sure that permanent hair reduction is achieved. Before the desired result can be obtained, there are so many things you must do prior to the commencement of your laser treatments and you must be patient while getting it done.

1. Stop plucking and waxing

The principle behind the effectiveness of laser hair removal is targeting the roots of the hair, as a result of this, it is vital that you do not pluck or wax the area under treatment for a minimum of four to six weeks before your first operation. In fact, it is recommended to shave the areas that will be a target by laser before the scheduled laser meeting. Your laser appointments will be scheduled at intervals of eight to ten weeks, so you can continue waxing and plucking at this time. However, this is not recommended and you will have to stop six weeks before your next meeting.

2. Shaving area

Although it is suggested that you stop plucking and waxing the area to be treated, it is necessary to shave 24 to 48 hours before your appointment. Even if your hair is inconspicuous to the naked eye, the laser is still able to target the pigment on the root of the hair. It is necessary to shave the area because it reduces the risk of burns with the hair lies below the surface of the skin.

3. Avoid exposure to the sun

For two weeks before your laser hair removal, it is imperative that the treated skin stays out of the sun. This includes both tanning beds and self-tanners. Not only could their application give rise to skin discoloration after laser treatment, but burns can cause excessive pain and blisters. Most laser experts will not even treat a client with minor burns and they will be asked to postpone their appointment. Therefore, use sunscreen on a daily basis if the treated area cannot be covered from the outside.

4. Put down the Bleach

As stated above, laser hair removal works by targeting the root of the hair. Your pigment or hair color can be found in the root and absorbed by the light produced by the laser, which permanently destroys hair. When clearing your hair, it interferes with the pigment and makes it harder to target. The bleaching must be stopped six weeks before your laser hair removal treatment, which gives enough time for the hair to regrow their natural color. Read more on science behind laser hair removal.

5. Check your drugs

When talking to your laser professional, it is important that you inform them of all the medicines you are taking, both oral and topical. Some medications can interfere with your laser treatments, making them less effective. Other medications can make the skin more sensitive and more likely to burn or blister. If you are taking antibiotics, birth control, acne or photosensitizing medicines, inform your laser technician. You do not have to stop taking medication, but laser professionals will be able to customize your treatment accordingly and continue with caution. In addition, if you start taking new medicines, you must notify them before the next appointment.

6. Remove makeup or creams

Ingredients in cosmetic products can sometimes affect the results of laser hair removal and must be removed before each treatment. This includes deodorant, makeup, lotions, ointments and any other product applied locally in the area. Use soap and water to clean the skin to be treated. If you use a makeup remover, ensure that the areas are rinsed with water.

Following these recommendations, you greatly reduce the risk of side effects caused by laser treatments. This can range from mild skin irritation to burns or skin discoloration. In addition, you will surely get the most out of your laser hair removal treatments and get results that will last a lifetime.

if you still have any questions that you would like answered, feel free to book a free consultation with us at Advanced Laser Clinic. Call us today at 3069934600 and speak with one of our qualified technicians.

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